Towards a decision support system for municipal waste collection by integrating geographical information system map, smart devices and agent-based model

Title: Towards a decision support system for municipal waste collection by integrating geographical information system map, smart devices and agent-based model
Authors: Hua, T.M.
Nguyen, T.K.
Thi, H.V.D.
Thi, N.A.N.
Keywords: Agent-based Modelling and Simulation;Ant Colony Optimization-ACO;Dynamic VRP-DVRP;K-Means Algorithm
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery
Citation: Scopus
Abstract: In many big cities, the volume of daily municipal solid waste generation is huge. The management of solid waste collection and transportation is a challenge. Actually, in many developing countries, this work mainly depends on experiences. Therefore, it is not effective; the waste retention time at collection points is long. The purpose of our work is to explore a decision support system for municipal waste collection and transportation by integrating GIS map, smart devices and agent-based model. Based on the real-time data that is collected and transmitted by smart devices, the decision support system calculates the optimized path for each vehicle. A case study related to Hagiang city, Vietnam, is presented to show the efficiency of the proposed model. From the optimized results, it has been found that the cost of the MSW collection is reduced.
Description: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Volume 08-09-December-2016, 8 December 2016, Pages 139-146
ISBN: 978-145034815-7
Appears in Collections:Bài báo của ĐHQGHN trong Scopus

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